Name: Detecting Effects of Best Management Practices (BMPs) on Rain Events Generating Nonpoint Source Pollution (NPSP) in Agricultural Watersheds using a Physically-Based Stratagem
Location/Terrain: Conesus Lake, NY, USA
Crop(s): Livestock, cover crops and others
Nutrient(s): Nonpoint source pollution (NPSP)
Rationale: This research documents a methodology for confirming reductions in NPSP resulting from implementation of agricultural BMPs. It employs that methodology to confirm the success of BMPs implemented.
Name: Impacts of Manure Management Practices on Stream Microbial Loading into Conesus Lake, NY
Location/Terrain: Conesus Lake, NY, USA
Crop(s): Dairy and row crops
Nutrient(s): Nitrate, total phosphorus (P) and total suspended solids
Rationale: During the summer, nonevent conditions in streams indicate that the levels of total Coliform, Escherichia coli (E. coli), and Enterococcus peak in the streams.
Name: Romania: Integrated Nutrient Pollution Control Project
Location/Terrain: Romania near the coast of the Danube River and Black Sea
Crop(s): Various Crops
Nutrient(s): Nutrient stress (nitrogen, phosphorous, potassium) from intensive agriculture and contaminated lands resulting from ineffective management of livestock waste.
Rationale: Reduce, over the long term, the discharge of nutrients into water bodies leading to the Danube River and Black Sea.
Name: Romania: Agricultural Pollution Control Project
Location/Terrain: The aim is to design an integrated intervention covering the entire nation; the pilot project is in Calarasi County.
Crop(s): Various Crops and Livestock
Nutrient(s): Inappropriate storage and use of livestock manure and lack of nutrient management systems.
Rationale: Agricultural and household nutrients and other agricultural pollutants discharged into the Danube River and Black Sea.
Name: Riparian Buffer Strips Perform Well in Iowa Study
Location/Terrain: Bear Creek, Story County, Iowa
Crop(s): Nonspecific cropland near water sources
Nutrient(s): Nitrate and Phosphorous
Rationale: Use riparian buffer strips to reduce nitrate and phosphorous runoff.
Name: The Right Source and Rate of Potassium (K) for Processing Tomatoes
Location/Terrain: Xinjiang, China
Crop(s): Tomatoes
Nutrient(s): Potassium (K)
Rationale: Due to years of omission of K in nutrient management in production of tomatoes in the region, yields were restricted by inadequate K.