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Detecting Effects of BMPs on Rain Events Generating Nonpoint Source Pollution

Name: Detecting Effects of Best Management Practices (BMPs) on Rain Events Generating Nonpoint Source Pollution (NPSP) in Agricultural Watersheds using a Physically-Based Stratagem

Location/Terrain: Conesus Lake, NY, USA

Crop(s): Livestock, cover crops and others

Nutrient(s): Nonpoint source pollution (NPSP)

Rationale: This research documents a methodology for confirming reductions in NPSP resulting from implementation of agricultural BMPs. It employs that methodology to confirm the success of BMPs implemented.

Impacts of Manure Management Practices on Stream Microbial Loading

Name: Impacts of Manure Management Practices on Stream Microbial Loading into Conesus Lake, NY

Location/Terrain: Conesus Lake, NY, USA

Crop(s): Dairy and row crops

Nutrient(s): Nitrate, total phosphorus (P) and total suspended solids

Rationale: During the summer, nonevent conditions in streams indicate that the levels of total Coliform, Escherichia coli (E. coli), and Enterococcus peak in the streams.

Romania: Integrated Nutrient Pollution Control Project

Name: Romania: Integrated Nutrient Pollution Control Project

Location/Terrain: Romania near the coast of the Danube River and Black Sea

Crop(s): Various Crops

Nutrient(s): Nutrient stress (nitrogen, phosphorous, potassium) from intensive agriculture and contaminated lands resulting from ineffective management of livestock waste.

Rationale: Reduce, over the long term, the discharge of nutrients into water bodies leading to the Danube River and Black Sea.

Romania: Agricultural Pollution Control Project

Name: Romania: Agricultural Pollution Control Project

Location/Terrain: The aim is to design an integrated intervention covering the entire nation; the pilot project is in Calarasi County.

Crop(s): Various Crops and Livestock

Nutrient(s): Inappropriate storage and use of livestock manure and lack of nutrient management systems.

Rationale: Agricultural and household nutrients and other agricultural pollutants discharged into the Danube River and Black Sea.

Riparian Buffer Strips Perform Well in Iowa Study

Name: Riparian Buffer Strips Perform Well in Iowa Study

Location/Terrain: Bear Creek, Story County, Iowa

Crop(s): Nonspecific cropland near water sources

Nutrient(s): Nitrate and Phosphorous

Rationale: Use riparian buffer strips to reduce nitrate and phosphorous runoff.

The Right Source and Rate of Potassium (K) for Processing Tomatoes

Name: The Right Source and Rate of Potassium (K) for Processing Tomatoes

Location/Terrain: Xinjiang, China

Crop(s): Tomatoes

Nutrient(s): Potassium (K)

Rationale: Due to years of omission of K in nutrient management in production of tomatoes in the region, yields were restricted by inadequate K.
