About the Global Partnership on Nutrient Management

A global platform to steer dialogues and actions to promote effective nutrient management
At the United Nations Commission on Sustainable Development in May 2009, it was agreed to establish a global mechanism to bring together and harmonize what was perceived to be fragmented efforts to address the nutrient challenge amongst a great many number of stakeholders. These included government, research and academia, agricultural and fertilizer producer organizations in the private sector, regional and international intergovernmental organizations and non-governmental organizations. The Global Partnership on Nutrient Management (GPNM) was formed as a result and became the multi-stakeholder partnership mechanism comprised of these diverse entities along with UN agencies committed to promote effective nutrient management to achieve the twin goals of food security through increased productivity and conservation of natural resources and the environment.
To translate the work of the GPNM from the global level to the national level, Regional Platforms, represented by lead government agencies with responsibility for agriculture, oceans and natural resources conservation, along with regional and international support agencies have been established. The GPNM Asia Platform was launched in 2010 in Delhi, India, and the GPNM Caribbean Platform was launched in 2012 in Port-of-Spain, Trinidad and Tobago. Consultations are underway for the launching of a GPNM Africa Platform.
The Global Partnership on Nutrient Management (GPNM) is a response to this ‘nutrient challenge’ – how to reduce the amount of excess nutrients in the global environment consistent with global development. The GPNM reflects a need for strategic, global advocacy to trigger governments and stakeholders in moving towards lower nitrogen and phosphorous inputs to human activities. It provides a platform for governments, UN agencies, scientists and the private sector to forge a common agenda, mainstreaming best practices and integrated assessments, so that policy making and investments are effectively ‘nutrient proofed’.
The GPNM also provide a space where countries and other stakeholders can forge more co-operative work across the variety of international & regional fora and agencies dealing with nutrients, including the importance of assessment work.
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