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GNC Project documents

Resolution adopted by the United Nations Environment Assembly on 15 March 2019

The exponential growth of human activities has changed the biogeochemical cycles 
worldwide in the last century (Sutton et al. 2013b). The scale of these changes has 
increased the necessity to develop joined-up approaches that optimize the planet’s 
nutrient cycles for delivery of our food and energy needs, while reducing threats to 
social and economic well-being, including threats to climate, ecosystem services and 
human health. The emissions of nitrous oxide (N2O), nitrogen oxides (NOx) and 

Agricultural system has been identified as a playing a key role in  the  Sustainable  Development  Goals  (SDGs)  due  to  the  numerous  challenge  to  produce  enough  food  to  feed  an  increasing population1.

Reducing the risk of degradation of the Kayankerni and Paskudah coral reef ecosystems in Sri Lanka by addressing nutrient, wastewater and other land-based sources of marine pollution within the Maduru Oya watershed 

This work was developed to target agricultural (crop and livestock) systems and associated wastewater management systems,  linked to nutrient management. We evaluate nutrient use practices based on scientific sound methodology, applied on similar  studies in many regions of the world. Therefore, the work approach we used can be replicate to other regions. The methodological  strategy and results are useful information for the agriculture and environmental sector stakeholders and decision makers in Brazil,  and potentially, other countries.  
